Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Too Many Questions!!

Today is Wednesday, so it is my Bible Study day. I get up earlier than usual on Wednesday, so I can get ready to go first, then I get Boo up so we can have our normal morning. Well, I would like to give you a fast recap of my morning today. Boo and I eat breakfast and we have our devotion time. I have his clothes out so he does his morning clean-up stuff and gets dressed. I am packing his lunch during this time. He is normally pretty quiet all of this time, nothing too big to talk about I guess. Now on Wednesday I take him to school, because I am leaving at the same time as he is, Jim takes him the other days. We go out to the garage and here goes, it is like a switch if flipped. Mama, you know how you said we could go to the Science Museum someday? I reply "Yes". Well, can we skip school and go tomorrow? I reply "No". Can we go after school today? I reply "No". When do you think we will go? I reply "I don't know". How about McDonald's after school? I reply "ok". Did you bring my gift card? I reply "Yes". Are you coming to my assembly today? I reply "Yes". Can I go home early with you? I reply, "Maybe, we will see when it is over." Well, what do you want to do after school is out today? By now I'm thinking maybe I will need a nap!!!

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