Thursday, April 23, 2009

Grandkids, Baseball and Stellan

I get to see my 2 grandsons tomorrow and oh yes my daughter too!! We are going shopping, a little, and then maybe to a park so the boys can play and Mookie and I can talk. I just love days like this. Have I told you too many times how cute and sweet and fun these 2 precious boys are? They make me laugh and just sit back and enjoy life. I got to go to a baseball game with my 2 other favorite boys tonight (Jim and Boo). We had a great time and the Spfd Cards won so that made it extra fun!! Boo was so excited to go. We told him we were sitting in the section where you could eat as much as you want. When we got there he started eating and ate until I made him stop! Then he wanted lots of other things, that's when he found out not all of the food was free. No, we weren't getting anything else! Oh poor Boo. He started watching the game, and got into the spirit of it for a while. We were up on the upper deck part and on the first row. Jim and I were so neurotic about him falling over the rail, that I was kind of glad he stopped cheering so crazy like and sort of settled down. I want to ask again that you pray for Stellan. He had heart surgery this week and it went well, but since then things have started to go back to where they were. Pray for him and his family!!! PRAY PRAY PRAY

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