Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Great Hotel

For Boo's birthday we went to K.C. to stay in the greatest hotel for kids around. It was so much fun. They have a huge water park inside with 4 water slides that go outside the building and come back in, and lots of other fun water stuff too. I tried to keep up with Boo in the water park, but he is so fast, and I am sooo slow. After a bit of following him around I finally decided he could go by himself and I would sit. He had to come and check on me from time to time. I did ride 2 of the big slides with him, and they were great! Inside there was kind of an electronic scavenger hunt game. It went from the 4th floor to the 1st floor, from the East wing to the West wing. Jim tried to keep up with him on that. After 2 hours of up and down stairs (elevators were too slow for Boo) Jim said he was going to die if he went up & down the stairs one more time, we decided he was old enough to go by himself. He again had to check on us once in a while. He found friends to go with so it worked out great. The hotel is no place to go for a restful weekend tough, because kids are running up and down the hall all the time. Boo thought it was great, we thought it was great that he thought it was great, but we thought it was ok. Did you get that? Its fun being and "older" parent I think.

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