Sunday, April 26, 2009

Clay Pot

We had a great sermon today in church. It made me think about stuff. Have you ever just felt like just stopping, stop coping with life, stop living life to the fullest, stop working so hard at all of it!! I sure do, and I know that everyone feels like this some times too, but we just push on anyway. Well today our sermon was about why do we push on. I sometimes push on for Jim, Boo & Mookie. I always thought that was a good idea, but today I realized we push on for JESUS!! I knew this, but I just never thought about it much. If we don't push on, if we throw in the towel we don't glorify God! I have felt that He took His weakest vessel (me) and broke it to show others that His Grace is enough. I know it is, because I still do have Gods joy, the deep down joy that can only come from Him. I have moments each day that I want to throw in the towel, but He never has let me! He always does something that shows me His face, and brings me back to Him. What an awesome God we have. His love is sufficient! We are engraved in the palm of his hand! We will not stop living, we will not throw in the towel! You all may have to remind me of this on my down days. Oh wait God will, I forgot!