Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Maybe I am Already Lost!

Have you ever had one of those days that just started crazy and went down from there? I had one on Monday. I was exhausted from the no sleep women's conference over the weekend so that, to me, is a bad start. I forced myself out of bed with just enough time to get Boo ready and out the door for school. Then, the big rush to get myself ready to go to the hospital to visit a friend. I had taken her there from Branson, because her Dad was ill, so I had just been to this hospital on Saturday. Now, I get in my car and head out. Naturally, when I get there, I have to park in the lower 40 and hike to the front door. I go in, out of breath, and ask for the room number of her Dad. The sweet little lady looks up and then smiles ever so sweetly and says....he is not here. Oh my goodness I am so silly, of course he isn't here he is at the other hospital!!!! I had just been there on Saturday!! Do you think I could remember that? I guess not! So now I hike back to my car and call my friend, who now thinks I must have gone the real long way to come and visit her, and I tell her I am at the wrong hospital!! I'm so glad she is my friend, because she just laughed and didn't think it was strange at all!

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