Monday, March 23, 2009

Sweet Girls Cooking

Sweet Girl could not cook. Her few attempts have left burnt, untastey memories in all of our minds. She once was making chocolate cookies and put chili powder in instead of coco powder. I kept them both in plastic containers because we had them in bulk, but they really smell different. She was helping Mookie, one time, fix food for a friend at church who had just had a baby, and she made this horrible mess from a box. I think it was some kind of chicken meal, she put it in the wrong size pan and it ran all over Mookies car and smelled terrible. She made something for us one night and she put in way way to much cumin. We had to go out to eat that night. She could make brownies. She made them for her brother-in-law, they were pretty good. Her very best and the most favorite thing she made was Mexican Wedding Cake Cookies. She made them for one of her uncles and 2 of her cousins. They would always get a special tin of them at Christmas (lucky boys). She was so proud of those cookies! I'm telling you she really could not cook, but she had lots of other great qualities!! God is having lots of fun in heaven with her!


  1. I remember when I would go over to her house with a frozen pizza and she would tell me up front that I was in charge unless I wanted a burnt pizza! Oh Carrie!

  2. I can hear her now, "It's not me fault!"

  3. I most admired her continued attempts...and then laughing about it when it ended up as a 'new invention'! She would just say, "Hey, I tried. It's not my fault. I fixed it JUST LIKE IT SAID!" What innocence.

  4. But she sure was a pro at those Spanish Wedding Cookies!
