Thursday, March 19, 2009


A mmo nites DA DA DA DA DA DA DA I woke up with this in my head yesterday. It is the song in the Caddy Shack movie. I knew it wasn't Ammonites, but I could not get the right words. I asked my husband, while we were getting ready, if he could remember the words, but all he could think of was Ammonites. On my way to Bible study I sang A mmo nites da da da da da da da to the two girls in my car, hoping one of them would remember the words. They laughed and sang A mmo nites with me. Then Jan had a great idea, she called her son at work. He could hear us laughing and commented something about his commute to work not being as much fun as ours to Bible study, however he did come to the rescue! It is "I'm alright don't have to worry bout me"! Great song for a great movie, but I don't know how the Ammonites got into it!

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