Sunday, March 22, 2009

The best, best,best.

I was with one of my best and dearest friends this weekend and I had the best time. She is a great example of Christ. I laughed, cried, talked and listened, and was not ready to come home. I Praise God for giving me this precious friendship. We have seen some really fun times together as couples and some really not so fun times too. God always makes me feel like we have been together everyday, even though it has maybe been months since we have talked. She always has the right thing to say, makes you feel so loved and ALWAYS makes you laugh. We told old stories on each other, one I had forgotten about. In one of my brief times of thinking I should help earn income for our household, I was working and was asked to interview for another position. I was thrilled to "move up the ladder" so I anxiously went to interview. It all was going real well and then they asked me if I could run a PC ( this was about 17 or 18 years ago so a pc was sort of hard), I of course said yes. As soon as I got home the first thing I asked Jim was "What is a PC?". I got the job and even worked for 6 more months. I do better keeping the home fires burning, than going out to bring in the bacon. Anyway, back to being with Karen thank you for being the best, best, best. I had a really good time.

1 comment:

  1. Karen told me this story...I laughed really hard! I'm glad you had a good weekend, but I was sorry to hear you guys couldn't stay for Sunday. But I'll see you soon!
