Friday, March 6, 2009

My redhead

I want to talk about my 3rd child. She is a daughter, grand-daughter, sister, cousin, friend, mom, wife and most of all a child of God. God blessed me with her, and I could tell that right off. You see the desire of my heart was to have a daughter with red hair. Scripture promises He will give us the desire of our heart in Psalm 37:4. The chances of my husband and myself having a child with red hair look to be none. There is no one in either family with red hair, so I knew she was a blessing from God!! She really has been too! She is my best friend. I love to be with her, and we always have fun. Once when we were shopping, when she was in jr. high, a lady in the dressing room commented that we sounded like we were having a great time. If you have ever had a daughter in jr. high you know this is not always the case. She has always loved God and loved going to church. She is a great mom and wife. She and her husband have given me 2 grandchildren! She has had to go through things that no child should ever have to go through, the death of 2 siblings. Her love for them is great for a mom to see. She talks about each of them daily and I know I can't feel the depth of her loss, but she has made the choice not to be bitter, but to rejoice in Gods promise that we will be together some day. Stay tuned for the "last word queen" part two of my redhead.


  1. I thought you meant Psalm 21:2 promises that you will have a red-haired child! I was like, "Huh, I don't remember that!" I am such a ding-dong sometimes!

  2. Don't feel bad, K. Lee. I just thought the same thing... "wow - God sure is specific!"

  3. She's the coolest redhead I know!
