Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Work in Progress

Yes, Boo really did like going to Drama Camp today!! He even said he might be sad when it is over. All that worry for nothing. Why do we do that? I have told lots of younger Moms to not worry about the small stuff, it will all work itself out. The little stuff doesn't make much difference. Then I drove myself crazy about drama camp yesterday!!! I guess I am forever a work in progress. God has lots of work to do with me still!! Sometimes I feel like I have all my life figured out, then down I go into a heap. Look at all the I's in there, that's the problem. I was reading yesterday and God popped out the scripture, Isa 40:28-29, to me. I have read it tons of times, because it leads to one Bubba's favorites, but I felt like I had never read it before! "He will not grow tired or weary..." I can tell you I am tired and weary!! I'm tired of being sad, I'm tired of missing my kids, I'm tired of trying to overcome!!! I want everything to go back to the old normal!!! Then I realized God doesn't get tired or weary, and He will carry ME!! It's like the drama camp worry, I took it on for nothing. Nothing I did made any difference. All my anguish, yes anguish, over that was for nothing. God was in charge!!! If I choose to be tired & weary, it's my fault!! I don't have to be, because God will carry me & HE won't get tired or weary!!!!

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