Thursday, May 7, 2009

My Brain Must Be Full!!!

This is crazy each time I try and decide what to blog about, my mind goes blank!! I will be laying there trying to go to sleep though and I get all sorts of ideas. Sometimes I can't even sleep, because of all the ideas I have!! The next time I draw a blank I am going to go into my room and lay down, that might help me get all my ideas back. Maybe when I am sitting up my brain is too upright and can't think, laying down must shift things around in there and stuff can come out easier. Alright, on to today's blog. I do have some great news to tell you about Boo! Saturday he came running up to me sooooo excited!! He said he had finally learned a trick he and I had been working on for several years! He put his hand in his arm pit and pumped his elbow and a great noise came out!! He did it over and over. I still am not able to do this, so I am so proud. Maybe I shouldn't have told you that I taught him how to do it and especially that we have worked on it for several years, but its part of the story. I have cautioned him however, that it is not a trick to do at school and no need to tell others that his mom taught him how to do it.


  1. LOVE IT!! i have tried to teach the girls too . . . of course they are still too little to do it but they sure thought it was funny!

  2. I always wondered how to do that! He's so cool. I'll have to take lessons from my little cuz!
