Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Not such a good day

I'm not having such a good day today. I had the greatest time over the weekend with family, but then when I got home and things quiet down, I miss having Bubba and Sweet Girl around so much. They would have loved being with the family, they both loved that kind of stuff. Sweet Girl was really in her element around family. They both would have loved laughing at the old people (me, Jim, aunt, uncle, Nana, & Pa) and being with (friends) cousins their age. When we all get together like that it makes me miss them soooo much!!! I am really missing out on lots with them not here. On the way home I realized that I had forgotten to put flowers by all of Jim' s Mom's family! I have promised to do this each year so I felt bad from that too. So that is why I started today bad. Today was the first day of "Drama Camp" for Boo, and he did NOT want to go!!! I forced him!! He kept saying that I had told him I would never make him do something he didn't want to do! Oh, I felt so bad. I knew he would love it, but he just didn't know it. I did promise him that if he didn't like it he wouldn't have to go back. I have prayed all day that he has had fun. I really never have made him do something like this, but I know he will love it.(I hope) Anyway all of this put together has made a not so good day for me. Its about time to go get Boo, so pray he has had fun!!

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