Monday, May 11, 2009

Grandson #1's Preschool program

Tonight I was a proud Nana!! I, along with Pappy, Uncle Boo, Grandma, & Grandpa, Mom, Dad and Grandson #2, were able to witness the cutest little boy sing and be given the outstanding award of the "One who works the hardest." If there would have been an award for cutest he would have won that too. Other children participated and were given awards, but none as great and as cute as ours!! You could hear his voice over all of the others singing so clearly(maybe yelling) the parts he knew best. When he wasn't singing he was board!! He played with his hat, put his chin in his hands and looked around for something fun to do. Whenever he caught the attention of one of us he would give us the thumbs up then go back to being board. We were all so proud. What a fun night. Oh.... I am sure the others there wished they were us!

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