Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Too Many Questions!!

Today is Wednesday, so it is my Bible Study day. I get up earlier than usual on Wednesday, so I can get ready to go first, then I get Boo up so we can have our normal morning. Well, I would like to give you a fast recap of my morning today. Boo and I eat breakfast and we have our devotion time. I have his clothes out so he does his morning clean-up stuff and gets dressed. I am packing his lunch during this time. He is normally pretty quiet all of this time, nothing too big to talk about I guess. Now on Wednesday I take him to school, because I am leaving at the same time as he is, Jim takes him the other days. We go out to the garage and here goes, it is like a switch if flipped. Mama, you know how you said we could go to the Science Museum someday? I reply "Yes". Well, can we skip school and go tomorrow? I reply "No". Can we go after school today? I reply "No". When do you think we will go? I reply "I don't know". How about McDonald's after school? I reply "ok". Did you bring my gift card? I reply "Yes". Are you coming to my assembly today? I reply "Yes". Can I go home early with you? I reply, "Maybe, we will see when it is over." Well, what do you want to do after school is out today? By now I'm thinking maybe I will need a nap!!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Great Hotel

For Boo's birthday we went to K.C. to stay in the greatest hotel for kids around. It was so much fun. They have a huge water park inside with 4 water slides that go outside the building and come back in, and lots of other fun water stuff too. I tried to keep up with Boo in the water park, but he is so fast, and I am sooo slow. After a bit of following him around I finally decided he could go by himself and I would sit. He had to come and check on me from time to time. I did ride 2 of the big slides with him, and they were great! Inside there was kind of an electronic scavenger hunt game. It went from the 4th floor to the 1st floor, from the East wing to the West wing. Jim tried to keep up with him on that. After 2 hours of up and down stairs (elevators were too slow for Boo) Jim said he was going to die if he went up & down the stairs one more time, we decided he was old enough to go by himself. He again had to check on us once in a while. He found friends to go with so it worked out great. The hotel is no place to go for a restful weekend tough, because kids are running up and down the hall all the time. Boo thought it was great, we thought it was great that he thought it was great, but we thought it was ok. Did you get that? Its fun being and "older" parent I think.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Clay Pot

We had a great sermon today in church. It made me think about stuff. Have you ever just felt like just stopping, stop coping with life, stop living life to the fullest, stop working so hard at all of it!! I sure do, and I know that everyone feels like this some times too, but we just push on anyway. Well today our sermon was about why do we push on. I sometimes push on for Jim, Boo & Mookie. I always thought that was a good idea, but today I realized we push on for JESUS!! I knew this, but I just never thought about it much. If we don't push on, if we throw in the towel we don't glorify God! I have felt that He took His weakest vessel (me) and broke it to show others that His Grace is enough. I know it is, because I still do have Gods joy, the deep down joy that can only come from Him. I have moments each day that I want to throw in the towel, but He never has let me! He always does something that shows me His face, and brings me back to Him. What an awesome God we have. His love is sufficient! We are engraved in the palm of his hand! We will not stop living, we will not throw in the towel! You all may have to remind me of this on my down days. Oh wait God will, I forgot!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Grandkids, Baseball and Stellan

I get to see my 2 grandsons tomorrow and oh yes my daughter too!! We are going shopping, a little, and then maybe to a park so the boys can play and Mookie and I can talk. I just love days like this. Have I told you too many times how cute and sweet and fun these 2 precious boys are? They make me laugh and just sit back and enjoy life. I got to go to a baseball game with my 2 other favorite boys tonight (Jim and Boo). We had a great time and the Spfd Cards won so that made it extra fun!! Boo was so excited to go. We told him we were sitting in the section where you could eat as much as you want. When we got there he started eating and ate until I made him stop! Then he wanted lots of other things, that's when he found out not all of the food was free. No, we weren't getting anything else! Oh poor Boo. He started watching the game, and got into the spirit of it for a while. We were up on the upper deck part and on the first row. Jim and I were so neurotic about him falling over the rail, that I was kind of glad he stopped cheering so crazy like and sort of settled down. I want to ask again that you pray for Stellan. He had heart surgery this week and it went well, but since then things have started to go back to where they were. Pray for him and his family!!! PRAY PRAY PRAY

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Maybe I am Already Lost!

Have you ever had one of those days that just started crazy and went down from there? I had one on Monday. I was exhausted from the no sleep women's conference over the weekend so that, to me, is a bad start. I forced myself out of bed with just enough time to get Boo ready and out the door for school. Then, the big rush to get myself ready to go to the hospital to visit a friend. I had taken her there from Branson, because her Dad was ill, so I had just been to this hospital on Saturday. Now, I get in my car and head out. Naturally, when I get there, I have to park in the lower 40 and hike to the front door. I go in, out of breath, and ask for the room number of her Dad. The sweet little lady looks up and then smiles ever so sweetly and says....he is not here. Oh my goodness I am so silly, of course he isn't here he is at the other hospital!!!! I had just been there on Saturday!! Do you think I could remember that? I guess not! So now I hike back to my car and call my friend, who now thinks I must have gone the real long way to come and visit her, and I tell her I am at the wrong hospital!! I'm so glad she is my friend, because she just laughed and didn't think it was strange at all!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Women of Joy Conference

Last weekend I was blessed to be able to go to a Women of Joy Conference in Branson, Mo! It was wonderful!! We saw Kirk Cameron speak!! Yes, Mike Sever joined us. He is so cute! He even did a little of Mike Sever talk!! Do you remember the show he was in, Growing Pains? He always reminded our family of our son Wes. He was always just about getting into trouble, but not quite. He gave his testimony and told what God had done in his life. We also heard Priscilla Shirer speak, and she is so wonderful!! She is a great Bible teacher. We had a great concert by Shela and Point of Grace! All of that was great, but the best part was we laughed and laughed for 2 days! When women get together we just seem to let it all out and we just really act crazy. We had little to no sleep, kind of like when I was about 13 years old and at a sleep-over!! I am still trying to catch up on some of that sleep. The hotel we were in up graded us and we had the greatest rooms that over looked The Landing in Branson, we had living rooms and kitchens and GREAT bathrooms!!!!! We really felt like the daughters of the King that we are! Off course we shopped and ate and shopped and ate, that is always part of a women's retreat too! It is good to be a women!


Pray for Stellan today he is having heart surgery today in Boston!! God is sovereign and He hears our prayers!! PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

2nd Grade Field Trip!!

I got to go on the 2nd grade field trip with Boo. We went to a Frontier Town outside of Marshfield. I think it was one of the best field trips I have ever been on. They kept the kids very busy and very active the whole time. Lots of running for the kids and lots of walking (not running) for the parents. I got to throw an Indian tomahawk at a target, but I missed. We learned how to make arrow heads, not the best thing to teach 8 year old boys, and saw lots of Indian stuff. There was a Zip swing, a huge slide, a hay ride (with no hay), and we panned for GOLD! The kids even got to have a water ball fight and climb on hay bales. I got to go down the huge slide and I just want to tell you it was scary! I wish I could have done the zip swing, but we didn't have time for parents. I asked Boo what was his favorite thing, and he said having me there. I'm sure he was just trying to get me to take him home early from school, which I did, but it still made me glad he said that. He is such a goof ball. I think all the kids should sleep well tonight, I'm sure I will!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My kids

Have I said lately how much I miss my two kids that have gone on to heaven before me!? I try to ignore the sadness that sometimes overcomes me, but sometimes I just can't. I would love to see their eyes light up when they smile, I would love to hear them laugh, I would love to feel them hug me! I would love to sit and have a serious conversation about something they thought was important. I would love to rub their backs, smell their hair. I would love to do all the other stuff that I thought I would be able to do all my life! I try to remember to do this with my other two kids that are still here and my two precious grandchildren, but sometimes the busyness of life tries to get in my way. Each moment we have on earth is a gift from God. He wants us to tell others about Him, love Him and each other, and bless others with His words. If I can remember to do this every day then the heaviness on my heart lessens . God gives us His word to help when we are down Isaiah 49:16 says "I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands" On the palms of His hands!!!! Amen!!! He will sustain me! God is Good!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Our son Boo has gone absolutely crazy over Lego's!! He just loves them. He received several different sets for his birthday, and has been busy putting them together each day since. He is very organized about how he accomplishes his task. I am the sorter, I get to do this so I can help! First I put all like pieces together and separate all parts. He then takes the instruction book (can you men imagine) and starts with page one and follows through to the end. When it is time for a sticker, that again is my job! I am very good at putting stickers on just so! He plays with them some, but mostly, he enjoys making them. The pieces are so small, and when he drops one it is the worst of the worst!! He tries to find them, but I don't think he ever has. I'm not sure, but since he is a boy, I bet he stands back looks for 10 seconds then yells "Mom!! I lost a piece!" I have to get down on the floor and use my old weak eyes, but I do find the missing tiny little deal! Getting back up is an adventure all by itself!

Monday, April 13, 2009


We just celebrated Easter! The day Christ showed the world and the devil that He was the victor over death! We have eternal life because He lives! The day was beautiful, not the weather, just the day. Our church service was blessed, the music was beautiful I could feel the presence of God in everything. We were blessed to see a special young man be baptized. It was just a great day!!! We were leaving and Boo was hugging everyone he ran into, because it was his birthday, and he loves to hug everyone. One of the older women in our church bent down to hug him and he said "Who has that bad breath?!!" I immediately said me, and tried to ignore it. I don't think she even heard him but all those around him did and laughed. What a guy , never a dull moment. We had lots of family and friends over for dinner and ended the perfect day perfectly. We laughed, told funny stories and praised God for each other. Thank-you God for such a great day and your ultimate sacrifice for ME, I love you, Love Me OXOXOX

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Grandkids at the Grocery Store

A couple of weeks ago, while Mookie and the grandsons were here, I asked her if I could take the 2 boys to the grocery store with me, she could stay home. She looked at me like I was crazy and said sure! I was so excited to do this, you see I just wanted to show them off without Mom around. What better place than the local grocery store! When we walked in I was so proud, they are sooo darn cute! I told them they could each push their own "little" carts. This made them so excited!! Number 2 had never even had his feet touch the floor, Mom always put him in the cart! I wanted him to be down and have tons of fun with Nana. We went down the first isle and they were putting everything they saw into their carts! I very sweetly explained that they would have to ask Nana 1st before they put anything in their carts. They looked up so perfectly and said OK. Well, I turned my back for 2 seconds and a very nice lady said your grandsons have raided the fruit snacks. It went down hill from there. What was I thinking? Where was my head? I didn't even see anyone I new! Mookie had a hard time at the store the next couple of times with #2 grandson, because he did not want to ride in the cart, he wanted his own!! She will pay me back some how.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Crazy daughter

I have to tell you I have one of the funniest, cutest daughters in the world. She cracked me up today. Today she tried to April Fools me! I could tell she was not telling the truth, but I went along with it , kind of like I do with Boo. The only difference is he's 8 and she is 29. Then she called me back to tell me it was an April Fools deal, what a goof ball. This reminds me of a couple months ago when she had a car accident. She was in a parking lot and was turning around giving her boys their drinks while she was trying to keep her foot on the brake, why she didn't just stop the car & put it in park, I don't know. Well her foot fell off the brake and she hit another car. This caused her such distress that she burst into tears and even her 4 year old son told her to calm down. She found the owner of the empty car and even she told her it would be alright and gave her a tissue. When she called me to report the horrible ordeal, I asked if she ever got her food that she was on her way to get. She said no, she was too upset. I replied, in a very Motherly voice, I could certainly understand after such a big WRECK it was best to just go home. Did I mention that there was no damage to her car? Where does she get the drama from!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Race

So Jeff Gordon won today. He is a race car driver. His number is 24. I'm not much of a race fan but our Sweet Girl was. You see her big brother, Bubba's All State Baseball# was 24 so all things with 24 on them we loved, this brought her into racing & Jeff Gordon. The last race he won was in October of 07, right before Sweet Girl went to heaven. I have cheered for him to win, but with a heavy heart, because she wouldn't be here. I was even thinking maybe God won't let him win another race because she is not here to see it. Well he won today! Am I glad? I'm not sure, but I am sure she is dancing in heaven right now. She would love it. So here is to you my precious Sweet Girl!! I Love You!!

Friday, April 3, 2009


I was getting my hair cut and stuff today and I had a great conversation with Angela (my new hairdresser). We were talking about how God sometimes takes us out of our comfort zone. It is so true! I think He loves that. He really loves to stretches us for His Glory. There have been lots of times that I haven't wanted to do something or go somewhere, but felt God leading me to go and ended up so blessed by it!! If I could only keep my mind on Christ and focused on heavenly things, my life would be much fuller. I get so caught up in the "worldly" things I think I want or need that I loose my focus. Its like my life right now, I thought I picked a great time to come in here and write this, but Boo has sought me out and has sang to me 3 different songs that he learned in music today. Way to blow my concentration. Oh well, he is cute, and I love to hear him sing. God Bless!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was the best April Fools ever! First I woke my little "prankster" by yelling "Get up your late, school has already started!" He jumped up and looked at me with huge eyes, because I was laughing, then I said April Fools! I told Jim he had a rip in his favorite sweat pants, he is so easy, he fell for it. As the day went on my brain was so busy. I walked into Jim's office and I said, with a very sad face, that I had just backed into someone. He jumped up and started out the door to my car as I said "April Fools"! As I said he is too easy. I then called my youngest brother and told him I had run out of gas would he please come and get me? He was so sweet and said yes then I had to say April Fools. Then I called both my other brothers, one at a time, and said we had won a trip to Hawaii through RCI including airfare!! Then I told them it was their year to use it so they won!! They both fell for it big time!! So easy!! Then Boo came home from school and he hands me his agenda to read. It says he has had to go to the principals office! It was in his hand printing, so not too tricky, but I acted like I fell for it!! Just an all around great day!!