Thursday, February 26, 2009

Song in your Head

Have you ever had a song in your head, and it just wouldn't go away? I had one last night! I was in bed and I couldn't believe it, I was trying to go to sleep and the words "I was crusing down the freeway late one night when an XKE pulled up on the right , I rolled down the window of my shinney new Jag , challenged him then and there for a drag................." kept coming in my head. I would think it, then try and go to sleep, then I would think it again!!! This went on tons of times! I was going crazy. You know when you do this during the day, you can turn on the radio, a CD or even the tv, but when your in bed, how do you get it out of your head? I would pray a few minutes and think ok, now I can sleep, but sure enough it would come back. What causes that? The worst part was I could only remember about 3 lines of the song so, over & over they went! I finally came into the computer, turned on some music & played spades. Tonight as I type this I don't have any music on so after I am finished, I will be able to sleep. Also here is a couple of updates on past information. #1 My youngest grandson is still doing well without his "me". #2 I like my hair today!! It looks like I have a winner!!


  1. I like the blog entries, but I was wondering about the layout you were using, how do you get it to stretch the entire width of the page. On mine ( it has big blank sides that I want to put things in.

  2. I am so glad I am not the only one who can't sleep sometimes because I have a song in my head that will not go away! It wouldn't be quite so bad if it was a "spiritual" song even. No, it has to be some song that I don't even particularly like! I heard once that a song stuck in your head that you can't get rid of is called an "Ear Worm".
    Sounds yucky but also true!
