Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Tonight I want to tell you about our 2nd child. I like to tell people he came running out of my womb. He was very active. He walked at 9mo old. Talked a mile a minute and was always having an adventure. He was very charismatic, everyone loved him. Even as a little boy, everyone thought he was handsome. He had big blue eyes and a great smile! This was all great when he was little, but as he grew up, the girls drove us crazy. He played all kinds of sports, and just seemed to do well at whatever he tried. We have laughed a million times about the fact that it was always fun at our house, if he was grounded, because he made everything fun. In High School he played football and baseball. He was the quarterback and an All State shortstop. He had a sweet girlfriend all through school and into college. They married when he was 21. I think that was just about his best day ever! He was so happy, I am glad he was able to experience the joy of marriage. He loved his family, friends and people in general. He made friends wherever he went. He played hard and when he wanted to, he would work hard. I miss his hugs, he would hug me real tight, and I miss his laugh. He had Christ in his heart so I know he is waiting for me, but I still miss him so much.

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