Friday, February 20, 2009

Chase & Shoot

Not too long ago Joey and I were playing chase & shoot with some little things he got in a free meal somewhere, McDs, or Sonic, or Burger King, anyway it was real fun. Now as I have pointed out before I am older that most moms of an 8 year old boy, anyway he ran around a corner and down 4 steps into our "little family room", I was hot on his tail. I didn't count the steps and I fell into a table knocking off a lamp and a candle. I didn't even get to catch myself with my hands. I screamed and made a lot of noise. Jim was in the basement and came running up. He thought I was probably having a heart attack. Joey was making sure I was ok and I was trying to get up to look like I was alright and also to shoot him. I couldn't and then I started laughing so hard tears were rolling down my face. Now both my boys thought I had really gotten hurt, maybe hit my head. When they helped me up I was bruised and sore, not hurt too bad. Now when we play Chase & Shoot we stay on one floor. It is really a fun game. I don't always have to be the shooter either, sometimes he chases me!

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