Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bubba cont.

I need to add a little about our 2nd child. I thought about this all day today. I think, I made him sound perfect!! Oh, he was perfect for us, but he was not perfect. He was one who if you asked him, (or told him) to stay behind this line, he was sure to at least touch it. He was always trying to have too much fun. Even in the 3rd grade he was sent to the principal, I think it was for spitting at people under the swing. He had been in other trouble before that, so that year he could not go out and trick or treat. He talked us into having a "spook house" at home for the kids to walk through. He had fun & so did we. All through High school and college he would tell us he thought he was getting a B or maybe a C in a class and it would turn out to be a C or a D, he wasn't the best student. How could you be when you had soooo much fun!!! He was a joy to be around and a blessing as a son. Thank you Jesus for sharing him with us.

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