Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Sickness

Our youngest daughter developed "the sickness" when she was in 3rd grade. It started one day when she forgot her library books. Oh what a trauma! She HAD to go to the nurse because she had a TERRIBLE stomach ache. The nurse called me and I went up to school to get her. She was glad to get home and rested the rest of the day. I was glad she didn't throw-up! Then it seemed like she was getting sick often. Now, the nurse knew me on a first name basis and had, I am sure, memorized my phone number. On one of those days, when the nurse called, we had a little talk, she and I both suspected that my little girl had "the sickness". Nothing was wrong with her, but she wanted to go home if anything went a tiny bit wrong at school. I must admit, I had it too in 5th grade. It was handled a little different back then, my Dad dropped me off in front of school and I chased his car trying to get back in. One day I ran all the was home crying because I was so sad, I mean sick. Well, I thought I had payed for my raising, but now Joey has developed "the sickness". He wants to stay home everyday! Now I do play with him allot, and I try and make home fun, but he needs to go to school! I think I'll just become an old meanie and make it no fun here!

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