Thursday, February 26, 2009

Song in your Head

Have you ever had a song in your head, and it just wouldn't go away? I had one last night! I was in bed and I couldn't believe it, I was trying to go to sleep and the words "I was crusing down the freeway late one night when an XKE pulled up on the right , I rolled down the window of my shinney new Jag , challenged him then and there for a drag................." kept coming in my head. I would think it, then try and go to sleep, then I would think it again!!! This went on tons of times! I was going crazy. You know when you do this during the day, you can turn on the radio, a CD or even the tv, but when your in bed, how do you get it out of your head? I would pray a few minutes and think ok, now I can sleep, but sure enough it would come back. What causes that? The worst part was I could only remember about 3 lines of the song so, over & over they went! I finally came into the computer, turned on some music & played spades. Tonight as I type this I don't have any music on so after I am finished, I will be able to sleep. Also here is a couple of updates on past information. #1 My youngest grandson is still doing well without his "me". #2 I like my hair today!! It looks like I have a winner!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Tomorrow I go to the hairdresser. I'll tell you I had been going to the same hair girl for the last 15 years. She knew how I liked my hair, what color, what cut, everything. Well, she had to stop doing hair for her health. That is the only reason I could stand for her to stop. So now about 4 mo later I am still working on finding a new one. The first girl I went to, after Karen, made my hair look kind of like a skunk. Not too good. The second girl I tried made me look "Goth" my hair was so dark, I washed it about 4 times a day for several days to try and lighten it up. Needless to say I am a little nervous about tomorrow. What will it be? I have liked the hair cuts each time, so that is a plus. I wish I could just ignore the gray parts, but they make me look old!

Bubba cont.

I need to add a little about our 2nd child. I thought about this all day today. I think, I made him sound perfect!! Oh, he was perfect for us, but he was not perfect. He was one who if you asked him, (or told him) to stay behind this line, he was sure to at least touch it. He was always trying to have too much fun. Even in the 3rd grade he was sent to the principal, I think it was for spitting at people under the swing. He had been in other trouble before that, so that year he could not go out and trick or treat. He talked us into having a "spook house" at home for the kids to walk through. He had fun & so did we. All through High school and college he would tell us he thought he was getting a B or maybe a C in a class and it would turn out to be a C or a D, he wasn't the best student. How could you be when you had soooo much fun!!! He was a joy to be around and a blessing as a son. Thank you Jesus for sharing him with us.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Tonight I want to tell you about our 2nd child. I like to tell people he came running out of my womb. He was very active. He walked at 9mo old. Talked a mile a minute and was always having an adventure. He was very charismatic, everyone loved him. Even as a little boy, everyone thought he was handsome. He had big blue eyes and a great smile! This was all great when he was little, but as he grew up, the girls drove us crazy. He played all kinds of sports, and just seemed to do well at whatever he tried. We have laughed a million times about the fact that it was always fun at our house, if he was grounded, because he made everything fun. In High School he played football and baseball. He was the quarterback and an All State shortstop. He had a sweet girlfriend all through school and into college. They married when he was 21. I think that was just about his best day ever! He was so happy, I am glad he was able to experience the joy of marriage. He loved his family, friends and people in general. He made friends wherever he went. He played hard and when he wanted to, he would work hard. I miss his hugs, he would hug me real tight, and I miss his laugh. He had Christ in his heart so I know he is waiting for me, but I still miss him so much.

Monday, February 23, 2009

What a Big Boy!!

My youngest grandson got rid of his me today!! Actually he got rid of 2 of his mes'. His me is his pacifier. We have tried to figure out how he named his pacifier me, but we just don't know. His mommy asked if he would like to take them into ToysRus and get a new toy in exchange for them. He had to think about it, but he decided he would do it! He put them into a zip lock bag and took them right in. He picked out something really special, that he and his brother could play with. I'm so proud of him!! At nap time he was a little sad. His big brother came in and patted him offering the comfort of sleeping with Buzz Lightyear! What a great brother!! I'm not sure how bedtime went tonight, I will be sure and let you know. Well, now I have 2 big boys for grandsons, maybe, if it all works out, actually Mom brought the me home to keep for posterity, so it could come back out if all doesn't go well. Oh, the trauma of being 2 years old. What a life!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Sickness

Our youngest daughter developed "the sickness" when she was in 3rd grade. It started one day when she forgot her library books. Oh what a trauma! She HAD to go to the nurse because she had a TERRIBLE stomach ache. The nurse called me and I went up to school to get her. She was glad to get home and rested the rest of the day. I was glad she didn't throw-up! Then it seemed like she was getting sick often. Now, the nurse knew me on a first name basis and had, I am sure, memorized my phone number. On one of those days, when the nurse called, we had a little talk, she and I both suspected that my little girl had "the sickness". Nothing was wrong with her, but she wanted to go home if anything went a tiny bit wrong at school. I must admit, I had it too in 5th grade. It was handled a little different back then, my Dad dropped me off in front of school and I chased his car trying to get back in. One day I ran all the was home crying because I was so sad, I mean sick. Well, I thought I had payed for my raising, but now Joey has developed "the sickness". He wants to stay home everyday! Now I do play with him allot, and I try and make home fun, but he needs to go to school! I think I'll just become an old meanie and make it no fun here!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Chase & Shoot

Not too long ago Joey and I were playing chase & shoot with some little things he got in a free meal somewhere, McDs, or Sonic, or Burger King, anyway it was real fun. Now as I have pointed out before I am older that most moms of an 8 year old boy, anyway he ran around a corner and down 4 steps into our "little family room", I was hot on his tail. I didn't count the steps and I fell into a table knocking off a lamp and a candle. I didn't even get to catch myself with my hands. I screamed and made a lot of noise. Jim was in the basement and came running up. He thought I was probably having a heart attack. Joey was making sure I was ok and I was trying to get up to look like I was alright and also to shoot him. I couldn't and then I started laughing so hard tears were rolling down my face. Now both my boys thought I had really gotten hurt, maybe hit my head. When they helped me up I was bruised and sore, not hurt too bad. Now when we play Chase & Shoot we stay on one floor. It is really a fun game. I don't always have to be the shooter either, sometimes he chases me!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


We have 2 dogs. One we got when our youngest, J, was was 4 years old. Chewey is 5 years old now and still a puppy in her heart and mind. That would be alright if she weighted 7or 8 pounds but she doesn't. She is a "goldendoodle" at about 55 pounds. She is soooooooo happy! She is always glad to see us and very happy to be around. We started her at obedience school and she did pretty well, but we should have continued the classes another session or two. We can't take her on a leash, she takes us. She doesn't shed and is not too dog smelly, so that is good. Then we have Jake, our oldest daughters dog that we inherited. He also is a huge dog. He weighs about 60 pounds, however he sheds and has the worst case of gas I have ever heard of in a dog. We give him gas-x everyday with his food, but he can clear a room! We have tried all kinds of dog food, now we are on Science Diet, it is working the best so far, but he still is tootie. Chewey drives Jake crazy most of the time. Jake is a "Red Healers Mix" so he herds Chewey around sometimes by biting her legs. When he can tell we are tired of her he tries to get her to stop being so Chewey like. Now you know all the people that live here. Sometimes I think I need a bigger house.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sweet Girl

I really do want to tell everyone all about my two kids that live in heaven with Christ. But, right now I am finally doing great, so I find it hard to bring up all the hurt. Maybe I'll just introduce them to you! Our 1st born is our oldest daughter. She would be 35 now, she passed away Nov. '07. She started life a little behind everyone else, she weighed 4 lb 13 oz. We thought she was just perfect!! Well as time went on the Dr. worried that she wasn't doing everything she should be. We started the horrible testing time. After several months the Drs. said she might not walk, talk or be potty trained. They encouraged us not to have any more children. Well as God would have it I was already pregnant with our 2nd child. To make a long story short she walked, talked and was potty trained. All of this on her own time, but she did it! She had some special needs but was tough and filled with the love of Jesus. She eventually got her license and drove to work each day. She had several illnesses. Lots of pneumonia, ear surgeries, viral meningitis guillian bare (twice), ITP, and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma to name a few. She always got well, she was strong and such a fighter. She had such a childlike faith, it was a joy to watch her worship. She loved life and loved "her people". She had some special people in her life and I am telling you guys she LOVED YOU!!!!!! She was only 4'9" so she wasn't tall but was big in personality. She always made me laugh, she made everyone laugh! She had an innocent outlook on everything. But, was she ever stubborn. Ask any of us in the house while she was growing up! I know now God blessed her with that to keep her going. Sometime I will tell her flat tire story,or the flood story or so many others. For now just know she was fun, happy, a lover of Christ and loved fiercely.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

We have an 8 year old son. Now mind you we were both born in 1949. That puts us, well lets just say we are older than his friends parents. He is so much fun. His smile is infectious and his joy is contagious. He makes me laugh everyday. He has a huge imagination and is always playing a game in his head. We play lots together, I usually am the bad guy or the one who will lose the fight, some kind of droid I think. He loves life and is full of joy and excitement. He gets excited about everything. Boy does he make us tired! The worst part is stuff like the dreaded valentine boxes!!! There are those parents who are so creative and they come up with the most wonderful ideas, then there is me. What happened to the old shoe box with red hearts on it? Let me tell you they are gone, now there is robots, tanks, ball fields and other neat stuff. This year Joey made his own. It was a hover tank it had toilet paper rolls, aluminum foil and q-tips all over it. It was awesome, but it did look like an 8 year old made it. I was proud of him.

Monday, February 16, 2009

A Little About Me

Let me tell you a little about me. I'm a lover of Jesus Christ, a wife, a Mom, and a Nana. We have 4 children one of which is adopted, but I not exactly sure which one, and 2 who reside with Christ. Our youngest daughter 29 years old and her wonderful husband have given us the two best, cutest and most well rounded grandsons in the whole world. Yes all of this is true. As you get to know me I will talk about each on them A LOT!! I also have a great extended family. Mom & Dad have been married for 61 years and each of my 3 brothers have married fun, loving, and caring women whom I love to the bone. I have 11 nieces and nephews, counting the one who married into the fam . They are all beautiful and handsome so there are lots more to come! God has also blessed me with some of the best women put on earth as angels, to be my friends,you'll hear about them too, I'm sure. God has seen me through the worst nightmares any Mom could suffer, and He has still brought me joy. The joy that only He can give.