Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I Want To Blog Again!

Ok, I am going to try and start blogging again, I really enjoy it. I causes me put some of my thoughts down, then, I can think through them better. I have been in a "funk" most of the summer. Lots of questions in my head. Mostly about Sweet Girls going to heaven. Why, Why Why!!?? I have had to work out with God , why we pray, and lots of other stuff. He has kept me in His Word and has continued to walk with me to show me His ways. He is all knowing and all loving so His direction is always right, I know that, I just don't always like it. I felt it was just a platitude when people would say Sweet Girl is better off, she is happy, she is in no pain. You see, I knew that, but I didn't care, I was (and still am) in a lot of pain, so I want her back!! My precious Mookie said it, and God finally got it into my head. She wrote a "Life Moment" for her church and it was so precious!!! Just seeing her words made me see Gods wisdom in a new way. Sweet Girl really is happy, in no pain, and peaceful. One day when a friend of ours was talking to Sweet Girl, Mandy asked her what her pain was like each day on a scale on 1 to 10. Sweet Girl answered 7. I couldn't believe it!! Each day a 7! Now she has NO pain!!! I can finally praise God for that. She was "strong and courageous" just as Joshua 1:9 says. I know she is waiting for me and I will be with her and Bubba again, so maybe a little more healing has taken place and I can continue to move on one step at a time! I"ll talk of happy things tomorrow!!


  1. I'm glad that your back, not that I don't know everything that goes on with you anyway. I love you!

  2. I'm glad you're back too! I love you Aunt Barbie!
