Monday, August 24, 2009

A Funny "Little Bubba " Story.

Today my oldest grandchild started preschool. Last year he just went 2 mornings a week, this year its 3 mornings, he is so big. He was very excited because he already has an invitation to a birthday party!! He has lots of new friends, and had a really great time. He thinks he already knows everything that they will try to teach him so...there you go!! Since he already knows everything, I guess his parents are just sending him to develop his social skills. The other night they were watching a baseball game on t.v. and a fast food place was advertising a sandwich. When it came on "Little Bubba" said "I love this commercial!! Maid-French Maid, Toast-French Toast, and Kiss--French Kiss" (this was all said with a funny accent). He laughed and told his mom that "French Kissing was when you tackle someone and kiss them, how funny." Mom & Dad agreed and said no french kissing in their house!! I think his social skills are up to snuff. I hope Mookie and favorite son-in-law are ready for him, he is going to keep us all busy!! He will win everyone with his bright blue eyes and super smile!! (or he will talk your leg off). I love him soooo much!

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