Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Its All My Fault!

I am a short order cook!! I never intended to be, but I have slowly let myself become one. Boo is the pickiest eater ever!! He won't eat crust, that means, pop tart crust, toaster strudel crust, Garlic bread crust (the best part in my opinion) any bread crust, bun crust etc. He even only wants to eat the middle of meat! I cut a circle in the center of a piece of meat then he will eat it. He wants only chicken nuggets, mac & cheese, spag.O's, fast food hamburgers, eggs, grilled cheese, or breakfast food. I try fixing him our stuff, and he won't eat enough to keep him full, then he wants something else to eat. Well, I have let him talk me into fixing him something different than we are eating so many times, that now, it is the norm. Let it be known!! I am putting my foot down!! Starting today, no more Mrs. Nice Guy. Boo eats what we eat or he goes hungry. No more snacks or extra meals, no more Short Order Cook!!! I may have to work into this gently, that's a lot of No's. Maybe I'll still cut the crust off. It's tough being the Mom.


  1. Whatever, I will believe this when I see it!

  2. Wow, I've never seen this side of you ;) But good for you, his someday wife will thank you!

  3. Be strong! I'm kind of with Marci...I'll believe it when I see you have awhile :)
