Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Start of 3rd Grade

Boo only has one more day of no school. I can't believe it, summer has gone by sooooo fast! I never feel like I get to do all the fun things I want to do before school starts. I want more road trips, lazy mornings, swim time, family time at the lake, family time at home, snuggling with Boo, just about anything but school. The other morning Boo and I were having our lazy morning snuggle and I said "Would you like to stay home from school and have Mom be your teacher?" I thought he would surly be so happy and say a huge YES!! Instead he said, "No Mama, you have forgotten everything you learned." I guess he is right, I would be a terrible home school teacher, we would play too much and learn too little. We have been to meet the teacher night and his teacher seems real nice. She is cute, bubbly, friendly and a Christian!! All the right stuff for being the 3rd grade teacher for Boo. Last year he had a huge crush on his teacher. He kept "finding" notes on the ground to give her. He said they were about how beautiful she was. She was so tickled at him, he is just so sweet! I have had a great day today. Church was great, got to take a nap, and play with Boo. Jim is working on a deck for our house so he is sawing, nailing and sweating. Its almost time for our great Sunday dinner of popcorn so better go!! God is Good!

1 comment:

  1. I love hearing about this. That's why I love reading your blog, I miss all this day to day stuff!
