Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Why Did We Get A New Car?

We purchased a "new" car. It is not really new, but it is new to us. We traded in the little cute Vibe that I drove. I'm not really sure why we did this, but we did. In the Vibe, Boo in the back seat, could not see the this car he can. Not so good!!! I constantly hear "Approaching 40,... approaching 45,... now 50... Oh, now its back to 45." I'm not really loving having him telling me my speed all the time. Sometimes, you see, I am going too fast and I know it, but don't want him to. I'm wondering if this is Gods way of slowing me down. Whatever, it has worked, I don't want him saying "Mama, your over the speed limit!" I might trade cars back with Jim, and I'll drive the Suburban, it won't fit in our garage, but maybe Boo can't see my speed, I'll have to check that out. He is loving school and seems to be doing real well. His teacher called one afternoon and I almost cried! She was just calling all the parents and telling us how much she enjoyed having them in class, I was very relieved, I thought she was going to tell me something really bad! She seems nice and sweet AND she likes Boo! She said he is so polite, and very compassionate, a joy to have in class!!! I didn't question her I just agreed, but maybe she didn't have the right parent....I'm just kidding, he is all that and more, I'm glad she sees it too. From now on I am going to start each blog with a scripture that God puts on my heart, I pray they will bless you!

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