Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Third Grade Project!

Psalm 15:13 "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Joy, Peace, Hope three of the best things God gives us!!!! Amen.
Let me tell you about this 3rd grade project. First remember, I am old, tired of school projects already, and not very creative! Boo had to make a community in 3D with 3 examples of places to live, 3 examples of places to work, and 3 examples of places to play. It had to have a key, be labeled, creative, and it was a "family project". I have griped to everyone I know about doing this, but I let Boo think I was very excited. He had lots of fun ideas, he wanted to do a rural community, with a farm, a church, a school, he wanted a park with lots of toys, and he wanted a pond to swim & fish in. This was all well and good, but he really needed a different Mom to help. Oh, and it had to be about 12"x 24", that's lots of stuff to put in a little space. After a trip to several stores for supplies, and several days and nights of working on this, we turned it in today!!!!!!! Boo did about 1/2 the work and I did the rest, so it truly looks like a family project, part 3rd grader and part old mom. I heard the project for next year is worse!! It may be Dads year to do it! P.S. He named his town Joesville.

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