Monday, August 24, 2009

A Funny "Little Bubba " Story.

Today my oldest grandchild started preschool. Last year he just went 2 mornings a week, this year its 3 mornings, he is so big. He was very excited because he already has an invitation to a birthday party!! He has lots of new friends, and had a really great time. He thinks he already knows everything that they will try to teach him so...there you go!! Since he already knows everything, I guess his parents are just sending him to develop his social skills. The other night they were watching a baseball game on t.v. and a fast food place was advertising a sandwich. When it came on "Little Bubba" said "I love this commercial!! Maid-French Maid, Toast-French Toast, and Kiss--French Kiss" (this was all said with a funny accent). He laughed and told his mom that "French Kissing was when you tackle someone and kiss them, how funny." Mom & Dad agreed and said no french kissing in their house!! I think his social skills are up to snuff. I hope Mookie and favorite son-in-law are ready for him, he is going to keep us all busy!! He will win everyone with his bright blue eyes and super smile!! (or he will talk your leg off). I love him soooo much!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Happy Anniversary!!

I think I was in a bad mood when I blogged last. In the least I was mad at Boo. Things are nicer at our house now. Nothing has changed much regarding the dinner situation, but I believe I will be able to work on it a little at a time, and ignore the rest. Tomorrow is our 39th anniversary!!!! Time really has gone by fast. While at dinner this evening we were talking about what we were doing 39 years ago. We were just kids!!! Too young to be nervous. We thought life would always be "hugs & kisses". It has been, lots and lots of them, but also some not so good times. I am stubborn, selfish, spoiled, opinionated, and always want my way. Jim is too! Well, maybe not as bad as me. God has blessed us with a love for Him and each other that has weathered life's worst trials. Tomorrow we are taking Boo to Mookies house to be with her family, and we are just going to be us. Not Mom & Dad or even Nana & Pappy, just us. We get to spend the whole day and night just doing what WE want!! I can't wait!! I ran across this scripture today, I know I have put it in here before, but I am led to put it in again! Psalm 94:18-19 "If I say,"My foot is slipping," your loyal love O Lord, supports me. When worries threaten to overwhelm me, your soothing touch makes me Happy." I"ll pray that tomorrow is great for everyone!!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Its All My Fault!

I am a short order cook!! I never intended to be, but I have slowly let myself become one. Boo is the pickiest eater ever!! He won't eat crust, that means, pop tart crust, toaster strudel crust, Garlic bread crust (the best part in my opinion) any bread crust, bun crust etc. He even only wants to eat the middle of meat! I cut a circle in the center of a piece of meat then he will eat it. He wants only chicken nuggets, mac & cheese, spag.O's, fast food hamburgers, eggs, grilled cheese, or breakfast food. I try fixing him our stuff, and he won't eat enough to keep him full, then he wants something else to eat. Well, I have let him talk me into fixing him something different than we are eating so many times, that now, it is the norm. Let it be known!! I am putting my foot down!! Starting today, no more Mrs. Nice Guy. Boo eats what we eat or he goes hungry. No more snacks or extra meals, no more Short Order Cook!!! I may have to work into this gently, that's a lot of No's. Maybe I'll still cut the crust off. It's tough being the Mom.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Start of 3rd Grade

Boo only has one more day of no school. I can't believe it, summer has gone by sooooo fast! I never feel like I get to do all the fun things I want to do before school starts. I want more road trips, lazy mornings, swim time, family time at the lake, family time at home, snuggling with Boo, just about anything but school. The other morning Boo and I were having our lazy morning snuggle and I said "Would you like to stay home from school and have Mom be your teacher?" I thought he would surly be so happy and say a huge YES!! Instead he said, "No Mama, you have forgotten everything you learned." I guess he is right, I would be a terrible home school teacher, we would play too much and learn too little. We have been to meet the teacher night and his teacher seems real nice. She is cute, bubbly, friendly and a Christian!! All the right stuff for being the 3rd grade teacher for Boo. Last year he had a huge crush on his teacher. He kept "finding" notes on the ground to give her. He said they were about how beautiful she was. She was so tickled at him, he is just so sweet! I have had a great day today. Church was great, got to take a nap, and play with Boo. Jim is working on a deck for our house so he is sawing, nailing and sweating. Its almost time for our great Sunday dinner of popcorn so better go!! God is Good!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Busy Summer

Well, school starts for Boo in less than a week. Neither one of us are ready, but we don't have a choice. He will be in 3rd grade, I can't believe it! We have had a busy summer and it went by too fast. We had 2 vacations, lots of trips to the lake, baseball, lemonade stands, fun times with Mookie and her family, Jim is building a deck, and lots of play-time with Boo. This all has kept us busy coming and going. Mookis is pregnant so she has spent lots of days "tossing up her cookies" but she has started feeling better. We won't find out until the end of Sept. if they are having a girl or a boy. We are still really hoping for a girl. I know it is too late to change anything, God already has determined the girl or boy thing, but we are trying anyway. One of the great exciting things I did this summer is I made pickles!!! I canned 15 pints! They are bread & butter pickles, and Jim says they are great!!! I hadn't ever canned before so it was lots of fun and very exciting. I made a huge mess though, maybe next time I will be a little neater, after all I am the kitchen maid too, not just the pickle caner. I have also let lots of pretty flowers die in our front yard, read lots of books, watched lots of cowboy movies and been knitting. That just about catches everyone up on my summer! Hope your was great as well!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I Want To Blog Again!

Ok, I am going to try and start blogging again, I really enjoy it. I causes me put some of my thoughts down, then, I can think through them better. I have been in a "funk" most of the summer. Lots of questions in my head. Mostly about Sweet Girls going to heaven. Why, Why Why!!?? I have had to work out with God , why we pray, and lots of other stuff. He has kept me in His Word and has continued to walk with me to show me His ways. He is all knowing and all loving so His direction is always right, I know that, I just don't always like it. I felt it was just a platitude when people would say Sweet Girl is better off, she is happy, she is in no pain. You see, I knew that, but I didn't care, I was (and still am) in a lot of pain, so I want her back!! My precious Mookie said it, and God finally got it into my head. She wrote a "Life Moment" for her church and it was so precious!!! Just seeing her words made me see Gods wisdom in a new way. Sweet Girl really is happy, in no pain, and peaceful. One day when a friend of ours was talking to Sweet Girl, Mandy asked her what her pain was like each day on a scale on 1 to 10. Sweet Girl answered 7. I couldn't believe it!! Each day a 7! Now she has NO pain!!! I can finally praise God for that. She was "strong and courageous" just as Joshua 1:9 says. I know she is waiting for me and I will be with her and Bubba again, so maybe a little more healing has taken place and I can continue to move on one step at a time! I"ll talk of happy things tomorrow!!