Saturday, June 20, 2009

Im Baaaack!

We had a great reunion!!! I want to thank my 2 wonderful nieces who planned it! It was perfect! The food was wonderful and the accommodations were great!! All the food Dave helped with was delicious!!! He is an awesome cook. I also would like to thank Aunt Kim for all the work she did. It seems like we can't do anything without her working her tail off! She is such a blessing to our family! I know I have said this before, but we have the best family EVER! I haven't laughed so hard in a long time. We are one crazy bunch. We (not me) did hikes, white water rafting (me), go cart racing(not me), Aquarium looking(me), laser tag playing(Boo), swimming, shopping, golfing(the men), relaxing, story telling, children playing and of coarse lots of eating. One of the best parts was we had 2 BIG announcements!!! First my niece Megan got engaged!!!! We are glad to have Pete in our family, he is a great guy! He proposed the day we all arrived, it was a total surprise to her and all of us, except her parents. The second announcement is Mookie and son-in-law are HAVING ANOTHER BABY!!!! I get to be a Nana again!!! I couldn't tell about this until last night, because Mookie had some people she wanted to tell first, I have the all clear on it now so I will be talking about it all the time!! We missed Sweet Girl and Bubba, but told lots of stories about both so they weren't left out. Tomorrow I'll tell you about my grandsons birthdays!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

"V A C A TION We're gonna have a ball"

Remember that song, you probably have to be my age to remember it. I don't know who sings it, but its been in my head for a couple of days, because, WE ARE GOING ON VACATION!! I can't wait! My nieces organized the first annual Holaday (and others) Reunion!!!! It is going to be tons of fun. There will be laughter, hugging, lots of talking and story telling, games and great food! We are all (about 25 of us) going to stay in one BIG house! Sounds fun doesn't it! I do think that I have the best family ever. God has blessed us with a great love for Him and each other. The joy we have in being together is so from Him! Sweet Girl and Bubba would love to be there and I know I will miss them so much. Please pray that I don't come home all sad. Times like this it is hard not to miss them. God has already given me a great joy in my heart, so He has gone before me to encourage me!! I better go pack!!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Baseball game

Last night was Willard night at the ball park! What a fun time we had! Our team lost, big time, but it was fun anyway. Mookie and family were there along with Unk, Aunt and Pod. Pod is my niece, she is so fun to be around. She is smiley and ALWAYS makes me laugh. She can't help it, she is just funny. Most of the time she isn't even trying, she just is. She is only 15 and has a 15 year old brain, but looks older, not because she wears make-up, she doesn't, she is so pretty too! I think her goodness just shines through. I took the 3 boys, Boo, Little Bubba and Nugget to the play area for kids. There was this one game where you put on these huge padded suits and try to knock the other guys head off, it is a part of the suit not their real head. Boo got to play that, but the other 2 were too little. They wouldn't even be able to stand up with the suit on, its so heavy. Nugget wanted to do it so bad he was begging to to it. I told him he was too little, but he kept begging. I tried to explain how heavy the suit was, but he still didn't give up. Finally he said, just as serious as he could, with his sweetest voice, and cutest eyes, that he promised he would be big! I lost, it I just laughed and hugged him. If I could have, I would have let him try! I have a great family!!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Getting Old Is No Fun!!!

I know that getting old is part of life, and we should do it with grace and dignity, but I am dragging my feet all the way!!! First of all to all of you who are thinking that perhaps if she were in better shape it wouldn't be so bad, well I'm not in good shape so there! Its the stuff like my eye sight that is making me crazy. I have gotten rid of my glasses and opted for contacts, and I love them, but---I have an astigmatism, I guess this makes it hard to have perfect vision with them. I have chosen to be able to read w/o glasses, but now I can't see (clearly) as far as I used to. Yes, this is because of old age!! I want to have squirt gun fights with Boo in the back yard, but I always loose!! Yes, this is because of old age!!! I want to stay up late and have lots of fun after Boo goes to bed, but I am tired about the same time he is!!! Yes, this is because of old age!!! I want to hike a huge mountain, no wait I never have wanted to hike a huge mountain that is a lie. I want to race my grandsons, but my legs won't run!! Yes, this is because of old age!! OK, I really don't want to race my grandsons either. I can't think of anything else I can't do that doesn't have to do with my being out of shape. Well, I still don't like being old!!!