Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It has been a loooooog time!

I think I will try this again, maybe try for once weekly. Today was Boo's last day of 5th grade!!! Where has the time gone? He has gotten older, BIGGER, more handsome, smarter, and loved by more people! I have probably just gotten older. He is on the honor roll at school and still seems to enjoy it! His teachers all say he is fun to have in class, I don't want to know all that he tells them. His joy is still contagious and he is full of energy. God is good, Amen! Jim has retired!!! I can't believe it! We have both been enjoying him being home so much! I say that, but he really is gone alot!!!! He golfs, fishes and just does stuff. I'm not sure what that stuff is, but it keeps him busy. We are having lots of fun with a little more relaxed pace. He is very happy with No stress!!!!! Our kids moved to Willard!!!! That may have already happened before I posted last time, but I don't think so. It is wonderful having them so close!!! When we last talked we had "Little Bubba", and "Nugget". Now we also have the "Princes"!!! She is 2, and just beautiful! It is so fun to be Nana. God has trully blessed us with them!!!! She has huge hazel or greenish eyes and brown hair. She laughs and talks and loves her babies!! She likes to rock them, feed them and put them in their swing. She loves to dress up pretty and wear "neckwass". But..... she is also a pretty good iron man, or ninja or whatever the boys are playing, that is the way her mommy was too!! Lots of other things have happened, some funny, sad, happy, and all the other stuff that goes on in life. More on all of it later. God has really put on my heart this last year, that He wanted me to be doing something with my faith. Putting my faith into action. He has brought me the most wonderful opportunity in the world!!!! I have been blessed with to chance to teach a Christian class to some of the most wonderful women. They are living at a womens mission in town and gaining new perspectives on life. God is doing beautiful things with them!! That wasn't really what I thought God had in mind for me, I wanted to serve a meal once a week or so, but He had other plans!!! I just love it!!! God has been busy with me, taking me to new places and working more of Him in me.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Third Grade Project!

Psalm 15:13 "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Joy, Peace, Hope three of the best things God gives us!!!! Amen.
Let me tell you about this 3rd grade project. First remember, I am old, tired of school projects already, and not very creative! Boo had to make a community in 3D with 3 examples of places to live, 3 examples of places to work, and 3 examples of places to play. It had to have a key, be labeled, creative, and it was a "family project". I have griped to everyone I know about doing this, but I let Boo think I was very excited. He had lots of fun ideas, he wanted to do a rural community, with a farm, a church, a school, he wanted a park with lots of toys, and he wanted a pond to swim & fish in. This was all well and good, but he really needed a different Mom to help. Oh, and it had to be about 12"x 24", that's lots of stuff to put in a little space. After a trip to several stores for supplies, and several days and nights of working on this, we turned it in today!!!!!!! Boo did about 1/2 the work and I did the rest, so it truly looks like a family project, part 3rd grader and part old mom. I heard the project for next year is worse!! It may be Dads year to do it! P.S. He named his town Joesville.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Really, Really, One of My Best Days Ever!!!

We had a great day today!!! Our 4th child was baptized!!! It is such a blessing for a parent to see. Really, nothing is better. Boo had been talking about "Asking Jesus into his heart" since June, we let it go for a while, to see if he really wanted to take this huge step! Each night and even sometimes with his dinner prayers, he would pray for Jesus to come into his heart. Well, Daddy & I finally got the message and we all 3 had a big talk. Boo knew what he was talking about and what he wanted to do!! Out preacher came over and they read scripture, he asked him several questions, and explained grace to him. Boo new all the answers even before Dakota explained them to him!! I just know Boo will become a preacher someday, and he will be great!!!! God has blessed our family so much with this precious little boy, he has brought so much into our lives. I can't imagine our life without him. We were blessed to have lots of family there to witness this big day. Boo said as I tucked him in, "I guess this was just about the best day ever for our family, now we will all be in heaven together" I cried and agreed with him. God is good isn't He!!! Can I hear an AMEN!!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sweet Girls Birthday!!!

Psalm 91:1,2 " He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress and my God, in whom I trust." The whole 91st Psalm is Sweet Girls favorite. I think Joshua 1:9 is my favorite for her. She was the most "strong and courageous" person I knew! Yesterday she would have been 36 years old!!! I can't believe I could have a child that old! It would have been easier to ignore her birthday, if she had not loved them so much. She loved being the center of attention. She would want everyone to be sure and do all they could to make "Her Day" special. We were usually with family over the Labor Day holiday so she would have lots of people celebrating with her. Her Uncle would always be sure to either "slime" her glasses several times or give her tons of "snuggies". No one else could get away with doing stuff like that. I would always make her favorite cake, or get her favorite ice cream cake, and make her favorite dinner. We would all put our rings on the candles of her cake, call out the lucky tooth pics that were put in the cake (Pa would always cheat and claim to have the lucky one!) and sing a great rendition of Happy Birthday!! There were lots of presents (she always wanted lots). Lots of teasing, laughing, hugging and kissing!!! Pretty much the perfect day. I miss her sooooo much!